Cannabis - Aspectos regulatorios: posibles usos terapéuticos

- Fuente: PubMed [Internet]. Bethesda (MD): US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health; [consulta 25 mayo 2022]. Disponible en:
- Detalles de búsqueda: ("medical marijuana/therapeutic use"[MeSH Major Topic] AND ("legal"[All Fields] OR "legalism"[All Fields] OR "legalities"[All Fields] OR "legality"[All Fields] OR "legalization"[All Fields] OR "legalize"[All Fields] OR "legalized"[All Fields] OR "legalizes"[All Fields] OR "legalizing"[All Fields] OR "legally"[All Fields]) AND "humans"[MeSH Terms]) AND ((y_5[Filter]) AND (review[Filter] OR systematicreview[Filter]))
NOTA – Debido al altísimo nº de los resultados obtenido, las Novedades los años 2019-2022 son entradas formadas por revisiones y revisiones sistemáticas.
- Aebischer JH, Dieckmann NF, Jones KD, St John AW. Chronic Pain Clinical and Prescriptive Practices in the Cannabis Era. Pain Manag Nurs. abril de 2022;23(2):109-21.
- Khoury R, Maliha P, Ibrahim R. Cannabis Use and Misuse in Older Adults. Clin Geriatr Med. febrero de 2022;38(1):67-83.
- Slawek DE, Curtis SA, Arnsten JH, Cunningham CO. Clinical Approaches to Cannabis: A Narrative Review. Med Clin North Am. enero de 2022;106(1):131-52.
- Nguyen AX, Wu AY. Cannabis and the Cornea. Ocul Immunol Inflamm. 4 de julio de 2021;29(5):1023-8.
- Hordowicz M, Klimkiewicz A, Jarosz J, Wysocka M, Jastrzębska M. Knowledge, attitudes, and prescribing patterns of cannabis and cannabinoid-containing medicines among European healthcare workers: a systematic literature review. Drug Alcohol Depend. 1 de abril de 2021;221:108652.
- Anand U, Pacchetti B, Anand P, Sodergren MH. Cannabis-based medicines and pain: a review of potential synergistic and entourage effects. Pain Manag. abril de 2021;11(4):395-403 .
- Mechtler LL, Gengo FM, Bargnes VH. Cannabis and Migraine: It’s Complicated. Curr Pain Headache Rep. 25 de febrero de 2021;25(3):16 .
- Breijyeh Z, Jubeh B, Bufo SA, Karaman R, Scrano L. Cannabis: A Toxin-Producing Plant with Potential Therapeutic Uses. Toxins (Basel). 5 de febrero de 2021;13(2):117.
- Stewart C, Fong Y. Perioperative Cannabis as a Potential Solution for Reducing Opioid and Benzodiazepine Dependence. JAMA Surg. 1 de febrero de 2021;156(2):181-90.
- Melaragno JI, Bowman LJ, Park JM, Lourenco LM, Doligalski CT, Brady BL, et al. The Clinical Conundrum of Cannabis: Current Practices and Recommendations for Transplant Clinicians: An Opinion of the Immunology/Transplantation PRN of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy. Transplantation. 1 de febrero de 2021;105(2):291-9.
- Pasha AK, Clements CY, Reynolds CA, Lopez MK, Lugo CA, Gonzalez Y, et al. Cardiovascular Effects of Medical Marijuana: A Systematic Review. Am J Med. febrero de 2021;134(2):182-93.
- Charitos IA, Gagliano-Candela R, Santacroce L, Bottalico L. The Cannabis Spread throughout the Continents and its Therapeutic Use in History. Endocr Metab Immune Disord Drug Targets. 2021;21(3):407-17.
- Maurer GE, Mathews NM, Schleich KT, Slayman TG, Marcussen BL. Understanding Cannabis-Based Therapeutics in Sports Medicine. Sports Health. diciembre de 2020;12(6):540-6.
- Adamson M, Di Giovanni B, Delgado DH. The positive and negative cardiovascular effects of cannabis. Expert Rev Cardiovasc Ther. diciembre de 2020;18(12):905-17.
- Gressler LE, Baltz AP, Costantino RC, Slejko JF, Onukwugha E. Exploring the Use of State Medical Cannabis Legislation as a Proxy for Medical Cannabis Use Among Patients Receiving Chemotherapy. Curr Treat Options Oncol. 19 de noviembre de 2020;22(1):1.
- Alharbi YN. Current legal status of medical marijuana and cannabidiol in the United States. Epilepsy Behav. noviembre de 2020;112:107452.
- Vlad RA, Hancu G, Ciurba A, Antonoaea P, Rédai EM, Todoran N, et al. Cannabidiol - therapeutic and legal aspects. Pharmazie. 1 de octubre de 2020;75(10):463-9.
- Page RL, Allen LA, Kloner RA, Carriker CR, Martel C, Morris AA, et al. Medical Marijuana, Recreational Cannabis, and Cardiovascular Health: A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association. Circulation. 8 de septiembre de 2020;142(10):e131-52.
- Yeung M, Wroot H, Charnock C, Forbes C, Lafay-Cousin L, Schulte F. Cannabis use in pediatric cancer patients: what are they reading? A review of the online literature. Support Care Cancer. agosto de 2020;28(8):3503-15.
- Fragoso YD, Carra A, Macias MA. Cannabis and multiple sclerosis. Expert Rev Neurother. agosto de 2020;20(8):849-54.
- Gotfried J, Naftali T, Schey R. Role of Cannabis and Its Derivatives in Gastrointestinal and Hepatic Disease. Gastroenterology. julio de 2020;159(1):62-80.
- Areesantichai C, Perngparn U, Pilley C. Current cannabis-related situation in the Asia-Pacific region. Curr Opin Psychiatry. julio de 2020;33(4):352-9.
- Meng H, Dai T, Hanlon JG, Downar J, Alibhai SMH, Clarke H. Cannabis and cannabinoids in cancer pain management. Curr Opin Support Palliat Care. junio de 2020;14(2):87-93.
- Stetten N, Pomeranz J, Moorhouse M, Yurasek A, Blue AV. The level of evidence of medical marijuana use for treating disabilities: a scoping review. Disabil Rehabil. mayo de 2020;42(9):1190-201.
- Avila C, Massick S, Kaffenberger BH, Kwatra SG, Bechtel M. Cannabinoids for the treatment of chronic pruritus: A review. J Am Acad Dermatol. mayo de 2020;82(5):1205-12.
- Levinsohn EA, Hill KP. Clinical uses of cannabis and cannabinoids in the United States. J Neurol Sci. 15 de abril de 2020;411:116717.
- Kleeman-Forsthuber LT, Dennis DA, Jennings JM. Medicinal Cannabis in Orthopaedic Practice. J Am Acad Orthop Surg. 1 de abril de 2020;28(7):268-77.
- Greger J, Bates V, Mechtler L, Gengo F. A Review of Cannabis and Interactions With Anticoagulant and Antiplatelet Agents. J Clin Pharmacol. abril de 2020;60(4):432-8 .
- Cohen J, Wei Z, Phang J, Laprairie RB, Zhang Y. Cannabinoids as an Emerging Therapy for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Substance Use Disorders. J Clin Neurophysiol. enero de 2020;37(1):28-34.
- Carter A. A North American History of Cannabis Use in the Treatment of Epilepsy. J Clin Neurophysiol. enero de 2020;37(1):35-8.
- Botsford SL, Yang S, George TP. Cannabis and Cannabinoids in Mood and Anxiety Disorders: Impact on Illness Onset and Course, and Assessment of Therapeutic Potential. Am J Addict. enero de 2020;29(1):9-26.
- Maher DP, Carr DB, Hill K, McGeeney B, Weed V, Jackson WC, et al. Cannabis for the Treatment of Chronic Pain in the Era of an Opioid Epidemic: A Symposium-Based Review of Sociomedical Science. Pain Med. 1 de noviembre de 2019;20(11):2311-23.
- Appendino JP, Boelman C, Brna PM, Burneo JG, Claassen CS, Connolly MB, et al. Position Statement on the Use of Medical Cannabis for the Treatment of Epilepsy in Canada. Can J Neurol Sci. noviembre de 2019;46(6):645-52.
- Singh V, Zarrabi AJ, Curseen KA, Sniecinski R, Welsh JW, McKenzie-Brown AM, et al. Concerns of Patients With Cancer on Accessing Cannabis Products in a State With Restrictive Medical Marijuana Laws: A Survey Study. J Oncol Pract. octubre de 2019;15(10):531-8.
- Sarzi-Puttini P, Batticciotto A, Atzeni F, Bazzichi L, Di Franco M, Salaffi F, et al. Medical cannabis and cannabinoids in rheumatology: where are we now? Expert Rev Clin Immunol. octubre de 2019;15(10):1019-32.
- VanDolah HJ, Bauer BA, Mauck KF. Clinicians’ Guide to Cannabidiol and Hemp Oils. Mayo Clin Proc. septiembre de 2019;94(9):1840-51.
- Knöss W, van de Velde M, Sandvos C, Cremer-Schaeffer P. Key elements of legal environments for medical use of cannabis in different countries. Bundesgesundheitsblatt Gesundheitsforschung Gesundheitsschutz. julio de 2019;62(7):855-60.
- Banister SD, Arnold JC, Connor M, Glass M, McGregor IS. Dark Classics in Chemical Neuroscience: Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinol. ACS Chem Neurosci. 15 de mayo de 2019;10(5):2160-75.
- Fitzcharles M-A, Niaki OZ, Hauser W, Hazlewood G, Canadian Rheumatology Association. Position Statement: A Pragmatic Approach for Medical Cannabis and Patients with Rheumatic Diseases. J Rheumatol. mayo de 2019;46(5):532-8.
- Swaminath A, Berlin EP, Cheifetz A, Hoffenberg E, Kinnucan J, Wingate L, et al. The Role of Cannabis in the Management of Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A Review of Clinical, Scientific, and Regulatory Information. Inflamm Bowel Dis. 21 de febrero de 2019;25(3):427-35.
- Steele G, Arneson T, Zylla D. A Comprehensive Review of Cannabis in Patients with Cancer: Availability in the USA, General Efficacy, and Safety. Curr Oncol Rep. 1 de febrero de 2019;21(1):10.
- Vasconcelos SC, Silva AO, Moreira MASP, Correia A de SB, Guerra ALAG, Santos ARD, et al. Bioethical analysis to the therapeutic use of Cannabis: Integrative review. Nurs Ethics. febrero de 2019;26(1):96-104.
- Burggren AC, Shirazi A, Ginder N, London ED. Cannabis effects on brain structure, function, and cognition: considerations for medical uses of cannabis and its derivatives. Am J Drug Alcohol Abuse. 2019;45(6):563-79.
- Kruger DJ, Kruger JS. Medical Cannabis Users’ Comparisons between Medical Cannabis and Mainstream Medicine. J Psychoactive Drugs. marzo de 2019;51(1):31-6.
- Papagianni EP, Stevenson CW. Cannabinoid Regulation of Fear and Anxiety: an Update. Curr Psychiatry Rep. 27 de abril de 2019;21(6):38.
- Shi Y, Liang D, Bao Y, An R, Wallace MS, Grant I. Recreational marijuana legalization and prescription opioids received by Medicaid enrollees. Drug Alcohol Depend. 01 de 2019;194:13-9.
- Tucker JS, Rodriguez A, Pedersen ER, Seelam R, Shih RA, D’Amico EJ. Greater risk for frequent marijuana use and problems among young adult marijuana users with a medical marijuana card. Drug Alcohol Depend. 01 de 2019;194:178-83.
- Weinkle L, Domen CH, Shelton I, Sillau S, Nair K, Alvarez E. Exploring cannabis use by patients with multiple sclerosis in a state where cannabis is legal. Mult Scler Relat Disord. enero de 2019;27:383-90.
- The effectiveness of self-directed medical cannabis treatment for pain. Complementary Therapies in Medicine. 1 de octubre de 2019;46:123-30.
- Abuhasira R, Shbiro L, Landschaft Y. Medical use of cannabis and cannabinoids containing products - Regulations in Europe and North America. Eur J Intern Med. 2018;49:2-6.
- Bruce D, Brady JP, Foster E, Shattell M. Preferences for Medical Marijuana over Prescription Medications Among Persons Living with Chronic Conditions: Alternative, Complementary, and Tapering Uses. J Altern Complement Med. febrero de 2018;24(2):146-53.
- D’Amico EJ, Rodriguez A, Tucker JS, Pedersen ER, Shih RA. Planting the seed for marijuana use: Changes in exposure to medical marijuana advertising and subsequent adolescent marijuana use, cognitions, and consequences over seven years. Drug Alcohol Depend. 01 de 2018;188:385-91.
- Dhadwal G, Kirchhof MG. The Risks and Benefits of Cannabis in the Dermatology Clinic. J Cutan Med Surg. abril de 2018;22(2):194-9.
- Dutra LM, Parish WJ, Gourdet CK, Wylie SA, Wiley JL. Medical cannabis legalization and state-level prevalence of serious mental illness in the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) 2008-2015. Int Rev Psychiatry. 2018;30(3):203-15 .
- Fitzcharles MA, Eisenberg E. Medical cannabis: A forward vision for the clinician. Eur J Pain. 2018;22(3):485-91.
- Goyal H, Rahman MR, Perisetti A, Shah N, Chhabra R. Cannabis in liver disorders: a friend or a foe? Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2018;30(11):1283-90.
- Kalla A, Krishnamoorthy PM, Gopalakrishnan A, Figueredo VM. Cannabis use predicts risks of heart failure and cerebrovascular accidents: results from the National Inpatient Sample. J Cardiovasc Med (Hagerstown). septiembre de 2018;19(9):480-4.
- Meacham MC, Ramo DE, Kral AH, Riley ED. Associations between medical cannabis and other drug use among unstably housed women. Int J Drug Policy. 2018;52:45-51.
- Mechcatie E. The Impact of Legalization of Medical and Recreational Marijuana. Am J Nurs. julio de 2018;118(7):16.
- Romero-Sandoval EA, Fincham JE, Kolano AL, Sharpe BN, Alvarado-Vázquez PA. Cannabis for Chronic Pain: Challenges and Considerations. Pharmacotherapy. 2018;38(6):651-62.
- Sagy I, Peleg-Sagy T, Barski L, Zeller L, Jotkowitz A. Ethical issues in medical cannabis use. Eur J Intern Med. 2018;49:20-2.
- Sandoval Gutiérrez JL. Legalization of Marijuana for Medical Use in Mexico. Open File. Rev Colomb Psiquiatr. junio de 2018;47(2):137.
- AbdelFattah KR, Edwards CR, Cripps MW, Minshall CT, Phelan HA, Minei JP, et al. Cannabis Use Has Negligible Effects Following Severe Traumatic Injury. J Trauma Nurs. abril de 2017;24(2):141-5.
- Hasin DS, Sarvet AL, Cerdà M, Keyes KM, Stohl M, Galea S, et al. US Adult Illicit Cannabis Use, Cannabis Use Disorder, and Medical Marijuana Laws: 1991-1992 to 2012-2013. JAMA Psychiatry. 1 de junio de 2017;74(6):579-88.
- Chan MH, Knoepke CE, Cole ML, McKinnon J, Matlock DD. Colorado Medical Students’ Attitudes and Beliefs About Marijuana. J Gen Intern Med. abril de 2017;32(4):458-63.
- Evanoff AB, Quan T, Dufault C, Awad M, Bierut LJ. Physicians-in-training are not prepared to prescribe medical marijuana. Drug Alcohol Depend. 01 de 2017;180:151-5.
- Hill KP, Palastro MD. Medical cannabis for the treatment of chronic pain and other disorders: misconceptions and facts. Polish Archives of Internal Medicine. 30 de 2017;127(11):785-9 .
- Hoffenberg EJ, Newman H, Collins C, Tarbell S, Leinwand K. Cannabis and Pediatric Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Change Blossoms a Mile High. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2017;64(2):265-71.
- Hunt PE, Miles J. The Impact of Legalizing and Regulating Weed: Issues with Study Design and Emerging Findings in the USA. Curr Top Behav Neurosci. 2017;34:173-98.
- Park J-Y, Wu L-T. Prevalence, reasons, perceived effects, and correlates of medical marijuana use: A review. Drug Alcohol Depend. 01 de 2017;177:1-13.
- Pergam SA, Woodfield MC, Lee CM, Cheng G-S, Baker KK, Marquis SR, et al. Cannabis use among patients at a comprehensive cancer center in a state with legalized medicinal and recreational use. Cancer. 15 de noviembre de 2017;123(22):4488-97.
- Phatak UP, Rojas-Velasquez D, Porto A, Pashankar DS. Prevalence and Patterns of Marijuana Use in Young Adults With Inflammatory Bowel Disease. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2017;64(2):261-4 .
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- Subbaraman MS, Kerr WC. Support for marijuana legalization in the US state of Washington has continued to increase through 2016. Drug Alcohol Depend. 01 de 2017;175:205-9.
- Sznitman SR. Do recreational cannabis users, unlicensed and licensed medical cannabis users form distinct groups? Int J Drug Policy. 2017;42:15-21.
- Turna J, Patterson B, Van Ameringen M. Is cannabis treatment for anxiety, mood, and related disorders ready for prime time? Depress Anxiety. 2017;34(11):1006-17.
- Ullman DF. The Effect of Medical Marijuana on Sickness Absence. Health Econ. 2017;26(10):1322-7.
- Weiss SRB, Howlett KD, Baler RD. Building smart cannabis policy from the science up. Int J Drug Policy. 2017;42:39-49 .
- Wong SS, Wilens TE. Medical Cannabinoids in Children and Adolescents: A Systematic Review. Pediatrics. noviembre de 2017;140(5).
- Albertson TE, Chenoweth JA, Colby DK, Sutter ME. The Changing Drug Culture: Medical and Recreational Marijuana. FP Essent. febrero de 2016;441:11-7.
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- Davis JM, Mendelson B, Berkes JJ, Suleta K, Corsi KF, Booth RE. Public Health Effects of Medical Marijuana Legalization in Colorado. Am J Prev Med. marzo de 2016;50(3):373-9.
- Kim HS, Monte AA. Colorado Cannabis Legalization and Its Effect on Emergency Care. Ann Emerg Med. 2016;68(1):71-5.
- Pacula RL, Jacobson M, Maksabedian EJ. In the weeds: a baseline view of cannabis use among legalizing states and their neighbours. Addiction. 2016;111(6):973-80 .
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- Wang JB, Ramo DE, Lisha NE, Cataldo JK. Medical marijuana legalization and cigarette and marijuana co-use in adolescents and adults. Drug Alcohol Depend. 1 de septiembre de 2016;166:32-8 .
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- Goldsmith RS, Targino MC, Fanciullo GJ, Martin DW, Hartenbaum NP, White JM, et al. Medical marijuana in the workplace: challenges and management options for occupational physicians. J Occup Environ Med. mayo de 2015;57(5):518-25.
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- Sznitman SR, Zolotov Y. Cannabis for therapeutic purposes and public health and safety: a systematic and critical review. Int J Drug Policy. enero de 2015;26(1):20-9.
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- Troutt WD, DiDonato MD. Medical Cannabis in Arizona: Patient Characteristics, Perceptions, and Impressions of Medical Cannabis Legalization. J Psychoactive Drugs. octubre de 2015;47(4):259-66.
- Choo EK, Benz M, Zaller N, Warren O, Rising KL, McConnell KJ. The impact of state medical marijuana legislation on adolescent marijuana use. J Adolesc Health. agosto de 2014;55(2):160-6.
- Larriviere DG. Medical marijuana for HIV-associated sensory neuropathy: legal and ethical issues. Continuum (Minneap Minn). octubre de 2014;20(5 Peripheral Nervous System Disorders):1426-9.