Cannabis - Aspectos regulatorios

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Fuente: PubMed [Internet]. Bethesda (MD): US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health; [consulta 25 mayo 2022]. Disponible en:
Detalles de búsqueda: (("cannabis"[MeSH Terms] OR "cannabis"[All Fields]) AND ("legal"[All Fields] OR "legalism"[All Fields] OR "legalities"[All Fields] OR "legality"[All Fields] OR "legalization"[All Fields] OR "legalize"[All Fields] OR "legalized"[All Fields] OR "legalizes"[All Fields] OR "legalizing"[All Fields] OR "legally"[All Fields]) AND ("canada"[MeSH Terms] OR "canada"[All Fields])) AND ((y_5[Filter]) AND (meta-analysis[Filter] OR review[Filter] OR systematicreview[Filter]))
NOTA - Debido al altísimo nº de los resultados obtenido, las Novedades los años 2019-2022 son entradas formadas por revisiones, revisiones sistemáticas y metaánalisis.
- Lachance A, Bélanger RE, Riva M, Ross NA. A Systematic Review and Narrative Synthesis of the Evolution of Adolescent and Young Adult Cannabis Consumption Before and After Legalization. J Adolesc Health. junio de 2022;70(6):848-63.
- Lazor T, Blondal E, Scheim A, Cubillos P, Werb D, Milloy M-J, et al. Measurement of public health impacts of cannabis legalization in Canada to reflect policy maker priorities: A rapid scoping review of instruments and content domains. Drug Alcohol Depend. 15 de abril de 2022;236:109463.
- Wadsworth E, Driezen P, Pacula RL, Hammond D. Cannabis flower prices and transitions to legal sources after legalization in Canada, 2019-2020. Drug Alcohol Depend. 1 de febrero de 2022;231:109262.
- Myran DT, Staykov E, Cantor N, Taljaard M, Quach BI, Hawken S, et al. How has access to legal cannabis changed over time? An analysis of the cannabis retail market in Canada 2 years following the legalisation of recreational cannabis. Drug Alcohol Rev. febrero de 2022;41(2):377-85.
- Sorensen JL, van Draanen J, Shingle M. Legalization of cannabis in Canada-Local media analysis. Am J Addict. 31 de enero de 2022;
- Wadsworth E, Craft S, Calder R, Hammond D. Prevalence and use of cannabis products and routes of administration among youth and young adults in Canada and the United States: A systematic review. Addict Behav. 22 de enero de 2022;129:107258.
- Brubacher JR, Chan H, Erdelyi S, Staples JA, Asbridge M, Mann RE. Cannabis Legalization and Detection of Tetrahydrocannabinol in Injured Drivers. N Engl J Med. 13 de enero de 2022;386(2):148-56.
- Callaghan RC, Sanches M, Murray RM, Konefal S, Maloney-Hall B, Kish SJ. Associations Between Canada’s Cannabis Legalization and Emergency Department Presentations for Transient Cannabis-Induced Psychosis and Schizophrenia Conditions: Ontario and Alberta, 2015-2019. Can J Psychiatry. 12 de enero de 2022;7067437211070650.
- Myran DT, Cantor N, Finkelstein Y, Pugliese M, Guttmann A, Jesseman R, et al. Unintentional Pediatric Cannabis Exposures After Legalization of Recreational Cannabis in Canada. JAMA Netw Open. 4 de enero de 2022;5(1):e2142521.
- Hamid MA, Shaikh R, Gunaseelan L, Salim J, Arulchelvan A, Tulloch T. Recreational Cannabis Legalization in Canada: A Pediatrics Perspective. Subst Use Misuse. 2022;57(3):481-3.
- Noël C, Armiento C, Péfoyo AK, Klein R, Bédard M, Scharf D. Adolescent exposure to cannabis marketing following recreational cannabis legalization in Canada: A pilot study using ecological momentary assessment. Addict Behav Rep. diciembre de 2021;14:100383.
- Gunning M, Illes J. Coverage of medical cannabis by Canadian news media: Ethics, access, and policy. Int J Drug Policy. noviembre de 2021;97:103361.
- Crépault J-F, Rehm J, Room R. Legalization as more effective control? Parallels between the end of alcohol prohibition (1927) and the legalization of cannabis (2018) in Ontario, Canada. Int J Drug Policy. noviembre de 2021;97:103367.
- Fischer B, Lee A, Robinson T, Hall W. An overview of select cannabis use and supply indicators pre- and post-legalization in Canada. Subst Abuse Treat Prev Policy. 7 de octubre de 2021;16(1):77.
- Greenberg R, Goldberg A, Anthony S, Buchman DZ, Delaney S, Gruben V, et al. Canadian Society of Transplantation White Paper: Ethical and Legal Considerations for Alcohol and Cannabis Use in Solid Organ Listing and Allocation. Transplantation. 1 de septiembre de 2021;105(9):1957-64.
- Turna J, Belisario K, Balodis I, Van Ameringen M, Busse J, MacKillop J. Cannabis use and misuse in the year following recreational cannabis legalization in Canada: A longitudinal observational cohort study of community adults in Ontario. Drug Alcohol Depend. 1 de agosto de 2021;225:108781.
- Haines-Saah RJ, Fischer B. Youth Cannabis use and Legalization in Canada - Reconsidering the Fears, Myths and Facts Three Years In. J Can Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. agosto de 2021;30(3):191-6.
- Goundar P, Macaulay T, Szafron M. A comparative analysis of laws on recreational cannabis edibles between Canada and the United States of America. Int J Drug Policy. agosto de 2021;94:103191.
- Corsi DJ, Murphy MSQ, Cook J. The Effects of Cannabis on Female Reproductive Health Across the Life Course. Cannabis Cannabinoid Res. agosto de 2021;6(4):275-87.
- Sheikhan NY, Pinto AM, Nowak DA, Abolhassani F, Lefebvre P, Duh MS, et al. Compliance With Cannabis Act Regulations Regarding Online Promotion Among Canadian Commercial Cannabis-Licensed Firms. JAMA Netw Open. 1 de julio de 2021;4(7):e2116551.
- Hawke LD, Henderson J. Legalization of cannabis use in Canada: Impacts on the cannabis use profiles of youth seeking services for substance use. J Subst Abuse Treat. julio de 2021;126:108340.
- Lee C, Round JM, Klarenbach S, Hanlon JG, Hyshka E, Dyck JRB, et al. Gaps in evidence for the use of medically authorized cannabis: Ontario and Alberta, Canada. Harm Reduct J. 8 de junio de 2021;18(1):61.
- Auger N, Luu TM, Ayoub A, Bilodeau-Bertrand M, Lo E, Low N. Cannabis-related Hospitalizations Among Youth in Canada Before and After Cannabis Legalization. J Addict Med. 1 de junio de 2021;15(3):245-7.
- Shanahan M, Cyrenne P. Cannabis policies in Canada: How will we know which is best? Int J Drug Policy. mayo de 2021;91:102556.
- Owusu-Bempah A, Luscombe A. Race, cannabis and the Canadian war on drugs: An examination of cannabis arrest data by race in five cities. Int J Drug Policy. mayo de 2021;91:102937.
- Wennberg E, Lasry A, Windle SB, Filion KB, Thombs BD, Gore G, et al. Non-medical cannabis use among Indigenous Canadians: A systematic review of prevalence and associated factors. Int J Drug Policy. abril de 2021;90:103081.
- Armstrong MJ. Legal cannabis market shares during Canada’s first year of recreational legalisation. Int J Drug Policy. febrero de 2021;88:103028.
- Cahill SP, Lunn SE, Diaz P, Page JE. Evaluation of Patient Reported Safety and Efficacy of Cannabis From a Survey of Medical Cannabis Patients in Canada. Front Public Health. 2021;9:626853.
- Goodman S, Fischer B, Hammond D. Lower-Risk Cannabis Use Guidelines: Adherence in Canada and the U.S. Am J Prev Med. diciembre de 2020;59(6):e211-20.
- McGregor IS, Cairns EA, Abelev S, Cohen R, Henderson M, Couch D, et al. Access to cannabidiol without a prescription: A cross-country comparison and analysis. Int J Drug Policy. noviembre de 2020;85:102935.
- Arboleda MF, Prosk E, Cyr C, Gamaoun R, Vigano A. Medical cannabis in supportive cancer care: lessons from Canada. Support Care Cancer. julio de 2020;28(7):2999-3001.
- Fischer B, Lee A, O’Keefe-Markman C, Hall W. Initial indicators of the public health impacts of non-medical cannabis legalization in Canada. EClinicalMedicine. marzo de 2020;20:100294.
- Rotermann M. What has changed since cannabis was legalized? Health Rep. 19 de febrero de 2020;31(2):11-20.
- Goodman S, Wadsworth E, Leos-Toro C, Hammond D, International Cannabis Policy Study team. Prevalence and forms of cannabis use in legal vs. illegal recreational cannabis markets. Int J Drug Policy. febrero de 2020;76:102658.
- Leyton M. Cannabis legalization: Did we make a mistake? Update 2019. J Psychiatry Neurosci. 1 de septiembre de 2019;44(5):291-3.
- Myran DT, Brown CRL, Tanuseputro P. Access to cannabis retail stores across Canada 6 months following legalization: a descriptive study. CMAJ Open. septiembre de 2019;7(3):E454-61.
- Fischer B, Russell C, Rehm J, Leece P. Assessing the public health impact of cannabis legalization in Canada: core outcome indicators towards an «index» for monitoring and evaluation. J Public Health (Oxf). 1 de junio de 2019;41(2):412-21.
- Amlung M, MacKillop J. Availability of legalized cannabis reduces demand for illegal cannabis among Canadian cannabis users: evidence from a behavioural economic substitution paradigm. Can J Public Health. abril de 2019;110(2):216-21.
- Jutras-Aswad D, Le Foll B, Bruneau J, Wild TC, Wood E, Fischer B. Thinking Beyond Legalization: The Case for Expanding Evidence-Based Options for Cannabis Use Disorder Treatment in Canada. Can J Psychiatry. febrero de 2019;64(2):82-7.
- Walsh Z. A crude approach to evaluating cannabis legalization. CMAJ. 28 de enero de 2019;191(4):E109.
- Alhamad T, Koraishy FM, Lam NN, Katari S, Naik AS, Schnitzler MA, et al. Cannabis Dependence or Abuse in Kidney Transplantation: Implications for Posttransplant Outcomes. Transplantation. 4 de febrero de 2019 .
- Amlung M, MacKillop J. Availability of legalized cannabis reduces demand for illegal cannabis among Canadian cannabis users: evidence from a behavioural economic substitution paradigm. Can J Public Health. abril de 2019;110(2):216-21.
- Amlung M, Reed DD, Morris V, Aston ER, Metrik J, MacKillop J. Price elasticity of illegal versus legal cannabis: a behavioral economic substitutability analysis. Addiction. enero de 2019;114(1):112-8.
- Bahji A, Stephenson C. International Perspectives on the Implications of Cannabis Legalization: A Systematic Review & Thematic Analysis. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 26 de agosto de 2019;16(17).
- Baia Medeiros DT, Hahn-Goldberg S, Aleman DM, O’Connor E. Planning Capacity for Mental Health and Addiction Services in the Emergency Department: A Discrete-Event Simulation Approach. J Healthc Eng. 2019;2019:8973515.
- Bajaj HS, Barnes T, Nagpal S, Tricco AC, Rios P, Porr C, et al. Diabetes Canada Position Statement on Recreational Cannabis Use in Adults and Adolescents With Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes. Can J Diabetes. agosto de 2019;43(6):372-6.
- Caulkins JP, Kilborn ML. Cannabis legalization, regulation, & control: a review of key challenges for local, state, and provincial officials. Am J Drug Alcohol Abuse. 28 de mayo de 2019;1-9.
- Fitzcharles M-A, Niaki OZ, Hauser W, Hazlewood G, Canadian Rheumatology Association. Position Statement: A Pragmatic Approach for Medical Cannabis and Patients with Rheumatic Diseases. J Rheumatol. mayo de 2019;46(5):532-8.
- Goodman S, Leos-Toro C, Hammond D. Methods to Assess Cannabis Consumption in Population Surveys: Results of Cognitive Interviewing. Qual Health Res. agosto de 2019;29(10):1474-82.
- Haines-Saah RJ, Mitchell S, Slemon A, Jenkins EK. «Parents are the best prevention»? Troubling assumptions in cannabis policy and prevention discourses in the context of legalization in Canada. Int J Drug Policy. junio de 2019;68:132-8.
- Halladay JE, Munn C, Boyle M, Jack SM, Georgiades K. Temporal Changes in the Cross-Sectional Associations between Cannabis Use, Suicidal Ideation, and Depression in a Nationally Representative Sample of Canadian Adults in 2012 Compared to 2002. Can J Psychiatry. 9 de junio de 2019;706743719854071.
- Hammond D. Communicating THC levels and «dose» to consumers: Implications for product labelling and packaging of cannabis products in regulated markets. Int J Drug Policy. 24 de julio de 2019;
- Ho C, Martinusen D, Lo C. A Review of Cannabis in Chronic Kidney Disease Symptom Management. Can J Kidney Health Dis. 2019;6:2054358119828391 .
- Jutras-Aswad D, Le Foll B, Bruneau J, Wild TC, Wood E, Fischer B. Thinking Beyond Legalization: The Case for Expanding Evidence-Based Options for Cannabis Use Disorder Treatment in Canada. Can J Psychiatry. febrero de 2019;64(2):82-7.
- Lazarte J, Hegele RA. Cannabis effects on lipoproteins. Curr Opin Lipidol. abril de 2019;30(2):140-6 .
- Leos-Toro C, Fong GT, Meyer SB, Hammond D. Perceptions of effectiveness and believability of pictorial and text-only health warning labels for cannabis products among Canadian youth. Int J Drug Policy. 20 de julio de 2019;73:24-31.
- Leos-Toro C, Rynard V, Murnaghan D, MacDonald J-A, Hammond D. Trends in cannabis use over time among Canadian youth: 2004-2014. Prev Med. enero de 2019;118:30-7.
- Leyton M. Cannabis legalization: Did we make a mistake? Update 2019. J Psychiatry Neurosci. 1 de septiembre de 2019;44(5):291-3.
- Mader J, Smith JM, Afzal AR, Szeto ACH, Winters KC. Correlates of lifetime cannabis use and cannabis use severity in a Canadian university sample. Addict Behav. noviembre de 2019;98:106015.
- Mahamad S, Hammond D. Retail price and availability of illicit cannabis in Canada. Addict Behav. marzo de 2019;90:402-8.
- Myran DT, Brown CRL, Tanuseputro P. Access to cannabis retail stores across Canada 6 months following legalization: a descriptive study. CMAJ Open. septiembre de 2019;7(3):E454-61.
- O’Loughlin JL, Dugas EN, O’Loughlin EK, Winickoff JP, Montreuil A, Wellman RJ, et al. Parental Cannabis Use Is Associated with Cannabis Initiation and Use in Offspring. J Pediatr. marzo de 2019;206:142-147.e1 .
- Premji S, McDonald SW, Zaychkowsky C, Zwicker JD. Supporting healthy pregnancies: Examining variations in nutrition, weight management and substance abuse advice provision by prenatal care providers in Alberta, Canada. A study using the All Our Families cohort. PLoS ONE. 2019;14(1):e0210290.
- Reddon H, Fast D, DeBeck K, Werb D, Hayashi K, Wood E, et al. Prevalence and correlates of selling illicit cannabis among people who use drugs in Vancouver, Canada: A ten-year prospective cohort study. Int J Drug Policy. julio de 2019;69:16-23.
- Roman MG, Gangitano D, Houston R. Characterization of new chloroplast markers to determine biogeographical origin and crop type of Cannabis sativa. Int J Legal Med. 23 de agosto de 2019;
- Rotermann M. Analysis of trends in the prevalence of cannabis use and related metrics in Canada. Health Rep. 19 de 2019;30(6):3-13.
- Sandhu HS, Anderson LN, Busse JW. Characteristics of Canadians likely to try or increase cannabis use following legalization for nonmedical purposes: a cross-sectional study. CMAJ Open. junio de 2019;7(2):E399-404.
- Shover CL, Humphreys K. Six policy lessons relevant to cannabis legalization. Am J Drug Alcohol Abuse. 14 de marzo de 2019;1-9.
- Taylor Levine M, Gao J, Satyanarayanan SK, Berman S, Rogers JT, Mischoulon D. S-adenosyl-l-methionine (SAMe), cannabidiol (CBD), and kratom in psychiatric disorders: Clinical and mechanistic considerations. Brain Behav Immun. 10 de julio de 2019;
- Wadsworth E, Hammond D. International differences in patterns of cannabis use among youth: Prevalence, perceptions of harm, and driving under the influence in Canada, England & United States. Addict Behav. marzo de 2019;90:171-5.
- Watson TM, Hyshka E, Bonato S, Rueda S. Early-Stage Cannabis Regulatory Policy Planning Across Canada’s Four Largest Provinces: A Descriptive Overview. Subst Use Misuse. 2019;54(10):1691-704.
- Watson TM, Valleriani J, Hyshka E, Rueda S. Cannabis legalization in the provinces and territories: missing opportunities to effectively educate youth? Can J Public Health. agosto de 2019;110(4):472-5.
- Windle SB, Wade K, Filion KB, Kimmelman J, Thombs BD, Eisenberg MJ. Potential harms from legalization of recreational cannabis use in Canada. Can J Public Health. abril de 2019;110(2):222-6 .
- Zuckermann AME, Gohari MR, de Groh M, Jiang Y, Leatherdale ST. Factors associated with cannabis use change in youth: Evidence from the COMPASS study. Addict Behav. marzo de 2019;90:158-63.
- Zuckermann AME, Williams G, Battista K, de Groh M, Jiang Y, Leatherdale ST. Trends of poly-substance use among Canadian youth. Addict Behav Rep. diciembre de 2019;10:100189.
- Adejumo AC, Ajayi TO, Adegbala OM, Adejumo KL, Alliu S, Akinjero AM, et al. Cannabis use is associated with reduced prevalence of progressive stages of alcoholic liver disease. Liver Int. 2018;38(8):1475-86.
- Anderson P, Gual A, Rehm J. Reducing the health risks derived from exposure to addictive substances. Curr Opin Psychiatry. 2018;31(4):333-41.
- Bedrouni W. On the use of digital technologies to reduce the public health impacts of cannabis legalization in Canada. Can J Public Health. diciembre de 2018;109(5-6):748-51.
- Bewley-Taylor DR. Canada, cannabis legalization and uncertainty around the United Nations drug control conventions. Addiction. julio de 2018;113(7):1226-8.
- Cox C. The Canadian Cannabis Act legalizes and regulates recreational cannabis use in 2018. Health Policy. 2018;122(3):205-9.
- Crépault J-F. Cannabis Legalization in Canada: Reflections on Public Health and the Governance of Legal Psychoactive Substances. Front Public Health. 2018;6:220.
- Crocker CE, Tibbo PG. The interaction of gender and cannabis in early phase psychosis. Schizophr Res. 2018;194:18-25.
- Dhadwal G, Kirchhof MG. The Risks and Benefits of Cannabis in the Dermatology Clinic. J Cutan Med Surg. abril de 2018;22(2):194-9.
- Fischer B, Russell C, Rehm J, Leece P. Assessing the public health impact of cannabis legalization in Canada: core outcome indicators towards an «index» for monitoring and evaluation. J Public Health (Oxf). 30 de mayo de 2018.
- Fitzcharles MA, Eisenberg E. Medical cannabis: A forward vision for the clinician. Eur J Pain. 2018;22(3):485-91.
- George TP, Hill KP, Vaccarino FJ. Cannabis Legalization and Psychiatric Disorders: Caveat «Hemp-tor». Can J Psychiatry. 2018;63(7):447-50.
- Haines-Saah RJ, Mitchell S, Slemon A, Jenkins EK. «Parents are the best prevention»? Troubling assumptions in cannabis policy and prevention discourses in the context of legalization in Canada. Int J Drug Policy. 17 de julio de 2018.
- Halladay J, Petker T, Fein A, Munn C, MacKillop J. Brief interventions for cannabis use in emerging adults: protocol for a systematic review, meta-analysis, and evidence map. Syst Rev. 25 de 2018;7(1):106.
- Karbakhsh M, Smith J, Pike I. «Where does the high road lead?» Potential implications of cannabis legalization for pediatric injuries in Canada. Can J Public Health. diciembre de 2018;109(5-6):752-5.
- Lake S, Milloy M-J. Access to medical cannabis is expanding across North America regardless of the opioid crisis-why not study if it could help? Addiction. agosto de 2018;113(8):1550-1.
- Lévesque A, Le Foll B. When and How to Treat Possible Cannabis Use Disorder. Med Clin North Am. julio de 2018;102(4):667-81 .
- McKee G, McClure S, Fyfe M, Stanwick R. Protecting the public from exposure to secondhand cannabis smoke and vapour following legalization. Can J Public Health. abril de 2018;109(2):223-6.
- Morris V, Patel H, Vedelago L, Reed DD, Metrik J, Aston E, et al. Elevated Behavioral Economic Demand for Alcohol in Co-Users of Alcohol and Cannabis. J Stud Alcohol Drugs. noviembre de 2018;79(6):929-34.
- Mouhamed Y, Vishnyakov A, Qorri B, Sambi M, Frank SS, Nowierski C, et al. Therapeutic potential of medicinal marijuana: an educational primer for health care professionals. Drug Healthc Patient Saf. 2018;10:45-66.
- Mutti-Packer S, Collyer B, Hodgins DC. Perceptions of plain packaging and health warning labels for cannabis among young adults: findings from an experimental study. BMC Public Health. 10 de diciembre de 2018;18(1):1361.
- Naji L, Rosic T, Dennis B, Bhatt M, Sanger N, Hudson J, et al. The association between cannabis use and suicidal behavior in patients with psychiatric disorders: an analysis of sex differences. Biol Sex Differ. 11 de 2018;9(1):22.
- Ogourtsova T, Kalaba M, Gelinas I, Korner-Bitensky N, Ware MA. Cannabis use and driving-related performance in young recreational users: a within-subject randomized clinical trial. CMAJ Open. diciembre de 2018;6(4):E453-62.
- Patenaude C, Brochu S, Fallu J-S, Jutras-Aswad D, D’Arcy L. Le marché légal du cannabis suite à sa légalisation au Canada : pistes de réflexion pour un encadrement efficace. Can J Public Health. abril de 2018;109(2):215-8.
- Rao DP, Abramovici H, Crain J, Do MT, McFaull S, Thompson W. The lows of getting high: sentinel surveillance of injuries associated with cannabis and other substance use. Can J Public Health. abril de 2018;109(2):155-63.
- Rotermann M, Macdonald R. Analysis of trends in the prevalence of cannabis use in Canada, 1985 to 2015. Health Rep. 21 de febrero de 2018;29(2):10-20.
- Russell C, Rueda S, Room R, Tyndall M, Fischer B. Routes of administration for cannabis use - basic prevalence and related health outcomes: A scoping review and synthesis. Int J Drug Policy. 2018;52:87-96.
- Sinha S, Ricord K, Harasym P, Biernaskie JA, Nickerson D, Gabriel VA. Burns from illegal cannabis oil manufacturing: a case series. CMAJ Open. 18 de enero de 2018;6(1):E39-43 .
- Tibbo P, Crocker CE, Lam RW, Meyer J, Sareen J, Aitchison KJ. Implications of Cannabis Legalization on Youth and Young Adults. Can J Psychiatry. 2018;63(1):65-71.
- Valleriani J, Lavalley J, McNeil R. A missed opportunity? Cannabis legalization and reparations in Canada. Can J Public Health. diciembre de 2018;109(5-6):745-7.
- Xie M, Gupta MK, Archibald SD, Stanley Jackson B, Young JEM, Zhang H. Marijuana and head and neck cancer: an epidemiological review. J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 22 de noviembre de 2018;47(1):73 .
- Bear D. From Toques to Tokes: Two challenges facing nationwide legalization of cannabis in Canada. Int J Drug Policy. 2017;42:97-101.
- Fischer B, Russell C, Sabioni P, van den Brink W, Le Foll B, Hall W, et al. Lower-Risk Cannabis Use Guidelines: A Comprehensive Update of Evidence and Recommendations. Am J Public Health. 2017;107(8):e1-12.
- Kalant H. Broad Thinking: An Interview With Harold Kalant. J Stud Alcohol Drugs. 2017;78(1):158-65.
- Lake S, Kerr T, Capler R, Shoveller J, Montaner J, Milloy M-J. High-intensity cannabis use and HIV clinical outcomes among HIV-positive people who use illicit drugs in Vancouver, Canada. Int J Drug Policy. 2017;42:63-70.
- Mourh J, Rowe H. Marijuana and Breastfeeding: Applicability of the Current Literature to Clinical Practice. Breastfeed Med. 2017;12(10):582-96.
- Tuck A, Hamilton HA, Agic B, Ialomiteanu AR, Mann RE. Past year cannabis use and problematic cannabis use among adults by ethnicity in Ontario. Drug Alcohol Depend. 01 de 2017;179:93-9.
- Turna J, Patterson B, Van Ameringen M. Is cannabis treatment for anxiety, mood, and related disorders ready for prime time? Depress Anxiety. 2017;34(11):1006-17.
- Banwell E, Pavisian B, Lee L, Feinstein A. Attitudes to cannabis and patterns of use among Canadians with multiple sclerosis. Mult Scler Relat Disord. noviembre de 2016;10:123-6.
- Collier R. How will pot legalization affect medical marijuana? CMAJ. 9 de agosto de 2016;188(11):792-3.
- Fischer B, Rehm J, Crépault J-F. Realistically furthering the goals of public health by cannabis legalization with strict regulation: Response to Kalant. Int J Drug Policy. agosto de 2016;34:11-6.
- Fitzcharles M-A, Baerwald C, Ablin J, Häuser W. Efficacy, tolerability and safety of cannabinoids in chronic pain associated with rheumatic diseases (fibromyalgia syndrome, back pain, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis): A systematic review of randomized controlled trials. Schmerz. febrero de 2016;30(1):47-61.
- Fitzcharles M-A, Häuser W. Cannabinoids in the Management of Musculoskeletal or Rheumatic Diseases. Curr Rheumatol Rep. diciembre de 2016;18(12):76 .
- Hajizadeh M. Legalizing and Regulating Marijuana in Canada: Review of Potential Economic, Social, and Health Impacts. Int J Health Policy Manag. 25 de mayo de 2016;5(8):453-6.
- Kalant H. A critique of cannabis legalization proposals in Canada. Int J Drug Policy. 2016;34:5-10.
- Rehm J, Crépault J-F, Fischer B. The Devil Is in the Details! On Regulating Cannabis Use in Canada Based on Public Health Criteria Comment on «Legalizing and Regulating Marijuana in Canada: Review of Potential Economic, Social, and Health Impacts». Int J Health Policy Manag. 20 de agosto de 2016;6(3):173-6.
- Adrian M. What the History of Drugs Can Teach Us About the Current Cannabis Legalization Process: Unfinished Business. Subst Use Misuse. 2015;50(8-9):990-1004.
- Fischer B, Kuganesan S, Room R. Medical Marijuana programs: implications for cannabis control policy--observations from Canada. Int J Drug Policy. enero de 2015;26(1):15-9.
- Hurd YL, Yoon M, Manini AF, Hernandez S, Olmedo R, Ostman M, et al. Early Phase in the Development of Cannabidiol as a Treatment for Addiction: Opioid Relapse Takes Initial Center Stage. Neurotherapeutics. octubre de 2015;12(4):807-15.
- Kalant H. Cannabis control policy: No rational basis yet for legalization. Clin Pharmacol Ther. junio de 2015;97(6):538-40.
- Rehm J, Fischer B. Cannabis legalization with strict regulation, the overall superior policy option for public health. Clin Pharmacol Ther. junio de 2015;97(6):541-4.