Cannabis - Aspectos regulatorios

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Fuente: PubMed [Internet]. Bethesda (MD): US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health; [consulta 25 mayo 2022]. Disponible en:
Detalles de búsqueda: (("cannabis"[MeSH Terms] OR "cannabis"[All Fields]) AND ("legal"[All Fields] OR "legalism"[All Fields] OR "legalities"[All Fields] OR "legality"[All Fields] OR "legalization"[All Fields] OR "legalize"[All Fields] OR "legalized"[All Fields] OR "legalizes"[All Fields] OR "legalizing"[All Fields] OR "legally"[All Fields]) AND ("united states"[MeSH Terms] OR "united states"[All Fields]) AND "humans"[MeSH Terms]) AND ((y_5[Filter]) AND (meta-analysis[Filter] OR review[Filter] OR systematicreview[Filter]))
NOTA - Debido al altísimo nº de los resultados obtenido, las Novedades los años 2019-2022 son entradas formadas por revisiones, revisiones sistemáticas y metaánalisis.
- Wadsworth E, Craft S, Calder R, Hammond D. Prevalence and use of cannabis products and routes of administration among youth and young adults in Canada and the United States: A systematic review. Addict Behav. junio de 2022;129:107258.
- Aebischer JH, Dieckmann NF, Jones KD, St John AW. Chronic Pain Clinical and Prescriptive Practices in the Cannabis Era. Pain Manag Nurs. abril de 2022;23(2):109-21.
- Donnelly J, Young M, Marshall B, Hecht ML, Saldutti E. Public Health Implications of Cannabis Legalization: An Exploration of Adolescent Use and Evidence-Based Interventions. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 11 de marzo de 2022;19(6):3336.
- Wilson S, Rhee SH. Causal effects of cannabis legalization on parents, parenting, and children: A systematic review. Prev Med. marzo de 2022;156:106956.
- Slawek DE, Curtis SA, Arnsten JH, Cunningham CO. Clinical Approaches to Cannabis: A Narrative Review. Med Clin North Am. enero de 2022;106(1):131-52.
- Fischer B, Robinson T, Bullen C, Curran V, Jutras-Aswad D, Medina-Mora ME, et al. Lower-Risk Cannabis Use Guidelines (LRCUG) for reducing health harms from non-medical cannabis use: A comprehensive evidence and recommendations update. Int J Drug Policy. enero de 2022;99:103381.
- Gunn RL, Aston ER, Metrik J. Patterns of Cannabis and Alcohol Co-Use: Substitution Versus Complementary Effects. Alcohol Res. 2022;42(1):04.
- Vachhani K, Wijeysundera DN, Mistry N, Clarke H, Diep C, Ladha K. The relationship between cannabis use and legalization frameworks: A cross-sectional analysis using a nationally representative survey. Prev Med. 4 de febrero de 2022;106978.
- Leas EC, Nobles AL, Shi Y, Hendrickson E. Public interest in ∆8-Tetrahydrocannabinol (delta-8-THC) increased in US states that restricted ∆9-Tetrahydrocannabinol (delta-9-THC) use. Int J Drug Policy. 21 de diciembre de 2021;101:103557.
- Masonbrink AR, Richardson T, Hall M, Catley D, Wilson K. Trends in Adolescent Cannabis-Related Hospitalizations by State Legalization Laws, 2008-2019. J Adolesc Health. diciembre de 2021;69(6):999-1005.
- Goodwin RD, Kim JH, Cheslack-Postava K, Weinberger AH, Wu M, Wyka K, et al. Trends in cannabis use among adults with children in the home in the United States, 2004-2017: impact of state-level legalization for recreational and medical use. Addiction. octubre de 2021;116(10):2770-8.
- Babalonis S, Raup-Konsavage WM, Akpunonu PD, Balla A, Vrana KE. Δ8-THC: Legal Status, Widespread Availability, and Safety Concerns. Cannabis Cannabinoid Res. octubre de 2021;6(5):362-5.
- Chiu V, Leung J, Hall W, Stjepanovic D, Degenhardt L. Public health impacts to date of the legalisation of medical and recreational cannabis use in the USA. Neuropharmacology. 1 de agosto de 2021;193:108610.
- Windle SB, Sequeira C, Filion KB, Thombs BD, Reynier P, Grad R, et al. Impaired driving after legalization of recreational cannabis. Can Med Assoc J. 12 de julio de 2021;193(27):E1071-5.
- Lara LF, Nemer L, Hinton A, Balasubramanian G, Conwell DL, Krishna S. Acute and Severe Acute Pancreatitis and the Effect of Cannabis in States Before and After Legalization Compared With States Without Legalized Cannabis. Pancreas. junio de 2021;50(5):766-72.
- Hasin D, Walsh C. Trends over time in adult cannabis use: A review of recent findings. Curr Opin Psychol. abril de 2021;38:80-5.
- Matthay EC, Kiang MV, Elser H, Schmidt L, Humphreys K. Evaluation of State Cannabis Laws and Rates of Self-harm and Assault. JAMA Netw Open. 1 de marzo de 2021;4(3):e211955.
- Windle SB, Eisenberg MJ, Reynier P, Cabaussel J, Thombs BD, Grad R, et al. Association between legalization of recreational cannabis and fatal motor vehicle collisions in the United States: an ecologic study. CMAJ Open. marzo de 2021;9(1):E233-41.
- Kim JH, Weinberger AH, Zhu J, Barrington-Trimis J, Wyka K, Goodwin RD. Impact of state-level cannabis legalization on poly use of alcohol and cannabis in the United States, 2004-2017. Drug Alcohol Depend. 1 de enero de 2021;218:108364.
- Alharbi YN. Current legal status of medical marijuana and cannabidiol in the United States. Epilepsy Behav. noviembre de 2020;112:107452.
- McBain RK, Wong EC, Breslau J, Shearer AL, Cefalu MS, Roth E, et al. State medical marijuana laws, cannabis use and cannabis use disorder among adults with elevated psychological distress. Drug Alcohol Depend. 1 de octubre de 2020;215:108191 .
- Zamengo L, Frison G, Zwitser G, Salomone A, Freeman TP. Cannabis knowledge and implications for health: Considerations regarding the legalization of non-medical cannabis. Med Sci Law. octubre de 2020;60(4):309-14.
- Weinberger AH, Zhu J, Levin J, Barrington-Trimis JL, Copeland J, Wyka K, et al. Cannabis use among US adults with anxiety from 2008 to 2017: The role of state-level cannabis legalization. Drug Alcohol Depend. 1 de septiembre de 2020;214:108163.
- Ladegard K, Thurstone C, Rylander M. Marijuana Legalization and Youth. Pediatrics. mayo de 2020;145:S165-74.
- Orenstein DG, Glantz SA. The Grassroots of Grass: Cannabis Legalization Ballot Initiative Campaign Contributions and Outcomes, 2004-2016. J Health Polit Policy Law. 1 de febrero de 2020;45(1):72-109.
- Hammond AS, Dunn KE, Strain EC. Drug Legalization and Decriminalization Beliefs Among Substance-using and Nonusing Individuals. J Addict Med. febrero de 2020;14(1):56-62.
- Grigsby TM, Hoffmann LM, Moss MJ. Marijuana Use and Potential Implications of Marijuana Legalization. Pediatr Rev. febrero de 2020;41(2):61-72.
- Cerdà M, Mauro C, Hamilton A, Levy NS, Santaella-Tenorio J, Hasin D, et al. Association Between Recreational Marijuana Legalization in the United States and Changes in Marijuana Use and Cannabis Use Disorder From 2008 to 2016. JAMA Psychiatry. febrero de 2020;77(2):165-71.
- Nicksic NE, Do EK, Barnes AJ. Cannabis legalization, tobacco prevention policies, and Cannabis use in E-cigarettes among youth. Drug Alcohol Depend. 1 de enero de 2020;206:107730.
- Veligati S, Howdeshell S, Beeler-Stinn S, Lingam D, Allen PC, Chen L-S, et al. Changes in alcohol and cigarette consumption in response to medical and recreational cannabis legalization: Evidence from US state tax receipt data. Int J Drug Policy. enero de 2020;75:102585.
- Midgette G, Reuter P. Has Cannabis Use Among Youth Increased After Changes in Its Legal Status? A Commentary on Use of Monitoring the Future for Analyses of Changes in State Cannabis Laws. Prev Sci. enero de 2020;21(1):137-45.
- McMichael BJ, Van Horn RL, Viscusi WK. The impact of cannabis access laws on opioid prescribing. J Health Econ. enero de 2020;69:102273.
- Patton DV. A History of United States Cannabis Law. J Law Health. 2020;34(1):1-29.
- Cogan PS. Reality and Legality: Disentangling What Is Actual from What Is Tolerated in Comparisons of Hemp Extracts with Pure CBD. J Diet Suppl. 2020;17(5):527-42.
- Morris NP. Problem-Solving Court Policies on Cannabis Use. J Am Acad Psychiatry Law. diciembre de 2019;47(4):493-503 .
- Tilburg WC, Hodge JG, Gourdet C. Emerging Public Health Law and Policy Issues Concerning State Medical Cannabis Programs. J Law Med Ethics. junio de 2019;47(2_suppl):108-11.
- Chow RM, Marascalchi B, Abrams WB, Peiris NA, Odonkor CA, Cohen SP. Driving Under the Influence of Cannabis: A Framework for Future Policy. Anesth Analg. junio de 2019;128(6):1300-8.
- Schmidt LA, Jacobs LM, Vlahov D, Spetz J. Impacts of Medical Marijuana Laws on Young Americans Across the Developmental Spectrum. Matern Child Health J. abril de 2019;23(4):486-95.
- Knapp AA, Lee DC, Borodovsky JT, Auty SG, Gabrielli J, Budney AJ. Emerging Trends in Cannabis Administration Among Adolescent Cannabis Users. J Adolesc Health. abril de 2019;64(4):487-93.
- Bowling CM, Glantz SA. Conflict of Interest Provisions in State Laws Governing Medical and Adult Use Cannabis. Am J Public Health. marzo de 2019;109(3):423-6.
- Wen H, Hockenberry JM, Druss BG. The Effect of Medical Marijuana Laws on Marijuana-Related Attitude and Perception Among US Adolescents and Young Adults. Prev Sci. febrero de 2019;20(2):215-23.
- Guttmannova K, Jones AA, Johnson JK, Oesterle S, Johnson RM, Martins SS. Using Existing Data to Advance Knowledge About Adolescent and Emerging Adult Marijuana Use in the Context of Changes in Marijuana Policies. Prev Sci. febrero de 2019;20(2):291-9.
- Mauro PM, Santaella-Tenorio J, Perlmutter AS, Hasin DS, Mauro CM, Martins SS. Correct knowledge of medical cannabis legal status in one’s own state: Differences between adolescents and adults in the United States, 2004-2013. Addict Behav. enero de 2019;88:23-8.
- Smart R, Pacula RL. Early evidence of the impact of cannabis legalization on cannabis use, cannabis use disorder, and the use of other substances: Findings from state policy evaluations. Am J Drug Alcohol Abuse. 2019;45(6):644-63.
- Shover CL, Humphreys K. Six policy lessons relevant to cannabis legalization. Am J Drug Alcohol Abuse. 2019;45(6):698-706.
- Resko S, Ellis J, Early TJ, Szechy KA, Rodriguez B, Agius E. Understanding Public Attitudes Toward Cannabis Legalization: Qualitative Findings From a Statewide Survey. Subst Use Misuse. 2019;54(8):1247-59.
- Mead A. Legal and Regulatory Issues Governing Cannabis and Cannabis-Derived Products in the United States. Front Plant Sci. 2019;10:697.
- Caulkins JP, Kilborn ML. Cannabis legalization, regulation, & control: a review of key challenges for local, state, and provincial officials. Am J Drug Alcohol Abuse. 2019;45(6):689-97.
- Cogan PS. On healthcare by popular appeal: critical assessment of benefit and risk in cannabidiol based dietary supplements. Expert Rev Clin Pharmacol. junio de 2019;12(6):501-11
- O’Connor SM, Lietzan E. The Surprising Reach of FDA Regulation of Cannabis, Even After Descheduling. Am Univ Law Rev. 2019;68(3):823-925.
- Tucker JS, Pedersen ER, Seelam R, Dunbar MS, Shih RA, D’Amico EJ. Types of cannabis and tobacco/nicotine co-use and associated outcomes in young adulthood. Psychol Addict Behav. junio de 2019;33(4):401-11.
- Weinkle L, Domen CH, Shelton I, Sillau S, Nair K, Alvarez E. Exploring cannabis use by patients with multiple sclerosis in a state where cannabis is legal. Mult Scler Relat Disord. enero de 2019;27:383-90 .
- Bedard-Gilligan M, Garcia N, Zoellner LA, Feeny NC. Alcohol, cannabis, and other drug use: Engagement and outcome in PTSD treatment. Psychol Addict Behav. 2018;32(3):277-88.
- Bonn-Miller MO, ElSohly MA, Loflin MJE, Chandra S, Vandrey R. Cannabis and cannabinoid drug development: evaluating botanical versus single molecule approaches. Int Rev Psychiatry. 2018;30(3):277-84.
- Borodovsky JT, Budney AJ. Cannabis regulatory science: risk-benefit considerations for mental disorders. Int Rev Psychiatry. 2018;30(3):183-202.
- Daniulaityte R, Zatreh MY, Lamy FR, Nahhas RW, Martins SS, Sheth A, et al. A Twitter-based survey on marijuana concentrate use. Drug Alcohol Depend. 01 de 2018;187:155-9.
- Delling FN, Vittinghoff E, Dewland TA, Pletcher MJ, Olgin JE, Nah G, et al. Does cannabis legalisation change healthcare utilisation? A population-based study using the healthcare cost and utilisation project in Colorado, USA. BMJ Open. 15 de mayo de 2019;9(5):e027432.
- Schmidt LA, Jacobs LM, Vlahov D, Spetz J. Impacts of Medical Marijuana Laws on Young Americans Across the Developmental Spectrum. Matern Child Health J. abril de 2019;23(4):486-95.
- Dhadwal G, Kirchhof MG. The Risks and Benefits of Cannabis in the Dermatology Clinic. J Cutan Med Surg. abril de 2018;22(2):194-9.
- Dutra LM, Parish WJ, Gourdet CK, Wylie SA, Wiley JL. Medical cannabis legalization and state-level prevalence of serious mental illness in the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) 2008-2015. Int Rev Psychiatry. 2018;30(3):203-15.
- Fiala SC, Dilley JA, Firth CL, Maher JE. Exposure to Marijuana Marketing After Legalization of Retail Sales: Oregonians’ Experiences, 2015-2016. Am J Public Health. 2018;108(1):120-7.
- Grant KS, Petroff R, Isoherranen N, Stella N, Burbacher TM. Cannabis use during pregnancy: Pharmacokinetics and effects on child development. Pharmacol Ther. 2018;182:133-51.
- Herrmann ES, Jarvis BP, Sparks AC, Cohn AM, Koszowski B, Rosenberry ZR, et al. Sweet flowers are slow, and weeds make haste: leveraging methodology from research on tobacco, alcohol, and opioid analgesics to make rapid and policy-relevant advances in cannabis science. Int Rev Psychiatry. 2018;30(3):238-50.
- Kalla A, Krishnamoorthy PM, Gopalakrishnan A, Figueredo VM. Cannabis use predicts risks of heart failure and cerebrovascular accidents: results from the National Inpatient Sample. J Cardiovasc Med (Hagerstown). septiembre de 2018;19(9):480-4.
- Krening C, Hanson K. Marijuana-Perinatal and Legal Issues With Use During Pregnancy. J Perinat Neonatal Nurs. marzo de 2018;32(1):43-52.
- Meacham MC, Paul MJ, Ramo DE. Understanding emerging forms of cannabis use through an online cannabis community: An analysis of relative post volume and subjective highness ratings. Drug Alcohol Depend. 01 de 2018;188:364-9.
- Meacham MC, Ramo DE, Kral AH, Riley ED. Associations between medical cannabis and other drug use among unstably housed women. Int J Drug Policy. 2018;52:45-51.
- Mechcatie E. The Impact of Legalization of Medical and Recreational Marijuana. Am J Nurs. julio de 2018;118(7):16.
- Min J-Y, Min K-B. Marijuana use is associated with hypersensitivity to multiple allergens in US adults. Drug Alcohol Depend. 01 de 2018;182:74-7.
- Morasco BJ, Shull SE, Adams MH, Dobscha SK, Lovejoy TI. Development of an Algorithm to Identify Cannabis Urine Drug Test Results within a Multi-Site Electronic Health Record System. J Med Syst. 24 de julio de 2018;42(9):163.
- Sagar KA, Gruber SA. Marijuana matters: reviewing the impact of marijuana on cognition, brain structure and function, & exploring policy implications and barriers to research. Int Rev Psychiatry. 2018;30(3):251-67.
- Sahlem GL, Tomko RL, Sherman BJ, Gray KM, McRae-Clark AL. Impact of cannabis legalization on treatment and research priorities for cannabis use disorder. Int Rev Psychiatry. 2018;30(3):216-25.
- Smart R, Osilla KC, Jonsson L, Paddock SM. Differences in alcohol cognitions, consumption, and consequences among first-time DUI offenders who co-use alcohol and marijuana. Drug Alcohol Depend. 01 de 2018;191:187-94.
- Steinemann S, Galanis D, Nguyen T, Biffl W. Motor vehicle crash fatalaties and undercompensated care associated with legalization of marijuana. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2018;85(3):566-71 .
- Torrence RD, Rojas DC, Troup LJ. Residual effects of cannabis use on attentional bias towards fearful faces. Neuropsychologia. 2018;119:482-8.
- Treloar Padovano H, Miranda R. Subjective cannabis effects as part of a developing disorder in adolescents and emerging adults. J Abnorm Psychol. 2018;127(3):282-93.
- Wick JY. Increased Use of Medical Marijuana: Skepticism vs. Evidence. Consult Pharm. 1 de diciembre de 2018;33(12):680-9.
- Akano OF. Marijuana Use and Self-reported Quality of Eyesight. Optom Vis Sci. 2017;94(5):630-3.
- Bierut T, Krauss MJ, Sowles SJ, Cavazos-Rehg PA. Exploring Marijuana Advertising on Weedmaps, a Popular Online Directory. Prev Sci. 2017;18(2):183-92.
- Borodovsky JT, Budney AJ. Legal cannabis laws, home cultivation, and use of edible cannabis products: A growing relationship? Int J Drug Policy. 2017;50:102-10.
- Borodovsky JT, Lee DC, Crosier BS, Gabrielli JL, Sargent JD, Budney AJ. U.S. cannabis legalization and use of vaping and edible products among youth. Drug Alcohol Depend. 01 de 2017;177:299-306.
- Brooks E, Gundersen DC, Flynn E, Brooks-Russell A, Bull S. The clinical implications of legalizing marijuana: Are physician and non-physician providers prepared? Addict Behav. 2017;72:1-7.
- Budney AJ, Borodovsky JT. The potential impact of cannabis legalization on the development of cannabis use disorders. Prev Med. noviembre de 2017;104:31-6.
- Carliner H, Mauro PM, Brown QL, Shmulewitz D, Rahim-Juwel R, Sarvet AL, et al. The widening gender gap in marijuana use prevalence in the U.S. during a period of economic change, 2002-2014. Drug Alcohol Depend. 1 de enero de 2017;170:51-8.
- Carnevale JT, Kagan R, Murphy PJ, Esrick J. A practical framework for regulating for-profit recreational marijuana in US States: Lessons from Colorado and Washington. Int J Drug Policy. 2017;42:71-85.
- Chen H, Searles JS. Health considerations in regulating marijuana in Vermont. Prev Med. noviembre de 2017;104:7-9.
- Cohn AM, Johnson AL, Rose SW, Rath JM, Villanti AC. Support for Marijuana Legalization and Predictors of Intentions to Use Marijuana More Often in Response to Legalization Among U.S. Young Adults. Subst Use Misuse. 28 de 2017;52(2):203-13.
- Cronce JM, Bittinger JN, Di Lodovico CM, Liu J. Independent Versus Co-occurring Substance Use in Relation to Gambling Outcomes in Older Adolescents and Young Adults. J Adolesc Health. mayo de 2017;60(5):528-33.
- Daniulaityte R, Lamy FR, Smith GA, Nahhas RW, Carlson RG, Thirunarayan K, et al. «Retweet to Pass the Blunt»: Analyzing Geographic and Content Features of Cannabis-Related Tweeting Across the United States. J Stud Alcohol Drugs. 2017;78(6):910-5.
- Dilley JA, Hitchcock L, McGroder N, Greto LA, Richardson SM. Community-level policy responses to state marijuana legalization in Washington State. Int J Drug Policy. 2017;42:102-8.
- Evanoff AB, Quan T, Dufault C, Awad M, Bierut LJ. Physicians-in-training are not prepared to prescribe medical marijuana. Drug Alcohol Depend. 01 de 2017;180:151-5.
- Ghosh TS, Vigil DI, Maffey A, Tolliver R, Van Dyke M, Kattari L, et al. Lessons learned after three years of legalized, recreational marijuana: The Colorado experience. Prev Med. noviembre de 2017;104:4-6.
- Gourdet C, Giombi KC, Kosa K, Wiley J, Cates S. How four U.S. states are regulating recreational marijuana edibles. Int J Drug Policy. 2017;43:83-90.
- Guttmannova K, Kosterman R, White HR, Bailey JA, Lee JO, Epstein M, et al. The association between regular marijuana use and adult mental health outcomes. Drug Alcohol Depend. 01 de 2017;179:109-16.
- Hanna RC, Perez JM, Ghose S. Cannabis and development of dual diagnoses: A literature review. Am J Drug Alcohol Abuse. 2017;43(4):442-55.
- Higgins ST. Editorial for the special issue on behavior change, health, and health disparities 2017. Prev Med. noviembre de 2017;104:1-3.
- Hoffenberg EJ, Newman H, Collins C, Tarbell S, Leinwand K. Cannabis and Pediatric Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Change Blossoms a Mile High. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2017;64(2):265-71.
- Hunt PE, Miles J. The Impact of Legalizing and Regulating Weed: Issues with Study Design and Emerging Findings in the USA. Curr Top Behav Neurosci. 2017;34:173-98.
- Kerr DCR, Bae H, Phibbs S, Kern AC. Changes in undergraduates’ marijuana, heavy alcohol and cigarette use following legalization of recreational marijuana use in Oregon. Addiction. noviembre de 2017;112(11):1992-2001.
- Kilmer B, Pacula RL. Understanding and learning from the diversification of cannabis supply laws. Addiction. julio de 2017;112(7):1128-35.
- Kilmer B. Recreational Cannabis - Minimizing the Health Risks from Legalization. N Engl J Med. 23 de febrero de 2017;376(8):705-7.
- Lake S, Kerr T, Capler R, Shoveller J, Montaner J, Milloy M-J. High-intensity cannabis use and HIV clinical outcomes among HIV-positive people who use illicit drugs in Vancouver, Canada. Int J Drug Policy. 2017;42:63-70.
- Livingston MD, Barnett TE, Delcher C, Wagenaar AC. Recreational Cannabis Legalization and Opioid-Related Deaths in Colorado, 2000-2015. Am J Public Health. 2017;107(11):1827-9.
- Mark K, Gryczynski J, Axenfeld E, Schwartz RP, Terplan M. Pregnant Women’s Current and Intended Cannabis Use in Relation to Their Views Toward Legalization and Knowledge of Potential Harm. J Addict Med. junio de 2017;11(3):211-6.
- Mark K, Terplan M. Cannabis and pregnancy: Maternal child health implications during a period of drug policy liberalization. Prev Med. noviembre de 2017;104:46-9.
- Mattei TA. Proposition 64, Cannabis Legalization, and the California Secession Movement: Why Should Neurosurgeons Care? World Neurosurg. marzo de 2017;99:770-2.
- McGinty EE, Niederdeppe J, Heley K, Barry CL. Public perceptions of arguments supporting and opposing recreational marijuana legalization. Prev Med. junio de 2017;99:80-6.
- Nunes AP, Richmond MK, Marzano K, Swenson CJ, Lockhart J. Ten years of implementing screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment (SBIRT): Lessons learned. Subst Abus. diciembre de 2017;38(4):508-12.
- Pergam SA, Woodfield MC, Lee CM, Cheng G-S, Baker KK, Marquis SR, et al. Cannabis use among patients at a comprehensive cancer center in a state with legalized medicinal and recreational use. Cancer. 15 de noviembre de 2017;123(22):4488-97.
- Richards JR. Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome: A disorder of the HPA axis and sympathetic nervous system? Med Hypotheses. junio de 2017;103:90-5.
- Romanowski KS, Barsun A, Kwan P, Teo EH, Palmieri TL, Sen S, et al. Butane Hash Oil Burns: A 7-Year Perspective on a Growing Problem. J Burn Care Res. febrero de 2017;38(1):e165-71.
- Shariff JA, Ahluwalia KP, Papapanou PN. Relationship Between Frequent Recreational Cannabis (Marijuana and Hashish) Use and Periodontitis in Adults in the United States: National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2011 to 2012. J Periodontol. 2017;88(3):273-80.
- Smart R, Caulkins JP, Kilmer B, Davenport S, Midgette G. Variation in cannabis potency and prices in a newly legal market: evidence from 30 million cannabis sales in Washington state. Addiction. diciembre de 2017;112(12):2167-77.
- Subbaraman MS, Kerr WC. Support for marijuana legalization in the US state of Washington has continued to increase through 2016. Drug Alcohol Depend. 01 de 2017;175:205-9.
- Treat L, Chapman KE, Colborn KL, Knupp KG. Duration of use of oral cannabis extract in a cohort of pediatric epilepsy patients. Epilepsia. 2017;58(1):123-7.
- Vincent PC, Collins RL, Liu L, Yu J, De Leo JA, Earleywine M. The effects of perceived quality on behavioral economic demand for marijuana: A web-based experiment. Drug Alcohol Depend. 1 de enero de 2017;170:174-80.
- Vine SE. Marijuana Laws Create Haze Around Policies. Provider. abril de 2017;43(4):29, 31-2.
- Walker DD. Legalization of cannabis: Considerations for intervening with adolescent consumers. Prev Med. noviembre de 2017;104:37-9.
- Wang GS, Hall K, Vigil D, Banerji S, Monte A, VanDyke M. Marijuana and acute health care contacts in Colorado. Prev Med. noviembre de 2017;104:24-30.
- Weiss SRB, Howlett KD, Baler RD. Building smart cannabis policy from the science up. Int J Drug Policy. 2017;42:39-49.
- Yankey BA, Rothenberg R, Strasser S, Ramsey-White K, Okosun IS. Effect of marijuana use on cardiovascular and cerebrovascular mortality: A study using the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey linked mortality file. Eur J Prev Cardiol. 2017;24(17):1833-40.
- Martins SS, Mauro CM, Santaella-Tenorio J, Kim JH, Cerdà M, Keyes KM, et al. State-level medical marijuana laws, marijuana use and perceived availability of marijuana among the general U.S. population. Drug Alcohol Depend. 1 de diciembre de 2016;169:26-32.
- Wall MM, Mauro C, Hasin DS, Keyes KM, Cerdà M, Martins SS, et al. Prevalence of marijuana use does not differentially increase among youth after states pass medical marijuana laws: Commentary on and reanalysis of US National Survey on Drug Use in Households data 2002-2011. Int J Drug Policy. marzo de 2016;29:9-13.
- Albertson TE, Chenoweth JA, Colby DK, Sutter ME. The Changing Drug Culture: Medical and Recreational Marijuana. FP Essent. febrero de 2016;441:11-7.
- Alpár A, Di Marzo V, Harkany T. At the Tip of an Iceberg: Prenatal Marijuana and Its Possible Relation to Neuropsychiatric Outcome in the Offspring. Biol Psychiatry. 1 de abril de 2016;79(7):e33-45.
- Alshaarawy O, Elbaz HA. Cannabis use and blood pressure levels: United States National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2005-2012. J Hypertens. 2016;34(8):1507-12.
- Balon R. The madness of medical marijuana and marijuana legalization. Ann Clin Psychiatry. 2016;28(4):229-30.
- Banys P, Cermak TL. Marijuana Legalization in California: Rational Implementation of the Adult Use of Marijuana Act (AUMA). J Psychoactive Drugs. marzo de 2016;48(1):63-5.
- Banys P. Mitigation of Marijuana-Related Legal Harms to Youth in California. J Psychoactive Drugs. marzo de 2016;48(1):11-20.
- Borodovsky JT, Crosier BS, Lee DC, Sargent JD, Budney AJ. Smoking, vaping, eating: Is legalization impacting the way people use cannabis? Int J Drug Policy. 2016;36:141-7.
- Caulkins JP, Kilmer B. Considering marijuana legalization carefully: insights for other jurisdictions from analysis for Vermont. Addiction. 2016;111(12):2082-9.
- Estoup AC, Moise-Campbell C, Varma M, Stewart DG. The Impact of Marijuana Legalization on Adolescent Use, Consequences, and Perceived Risk. Subst Use Misuse. 05 de 2016;51(14):1881-7.
- Ghosh T, Van Dyke M, Maffey A, Whitley E, Gillim-Ross L, Wolk L. The Public Health Framework of Legalized Marijuana in Colorado. Am J Public Health. enero de 2016;106(1):21-7.
- Guttmannova K, Lee CM, Kilmer JR, Fleming CB, Rhew IC, Kosterman R, et al. Impacts of Changing Marijuana Policies on Alcohol Use in the United States. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. enero de 2016;40(1):33-46.
- Hajizadeh M. Legalizing and Regulating Marijuana in Canada: Review of Potential Economic, Social, and Health Impacts. Int J Health Policy Manag. 25 de mayo de 2016;5(8):453-6.
- Hall W, Lynskey M. Evaluating the public health impacts of legalizing recreational cannabis use in the United States. Addiction. 2016;111(10):1764-73.
- Holland CL, Nkumsah MA, Morrison P, Tarr JA, Rubio D, Rodriguez KL, et al. «Anything above marijuana takes priority»: Obstetric providers’ attitudes and counseling strategies regarding perinatal marijuana use. Patient Educ Couns. 2016;99(9):1446-51.
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